Artic Treasure In Ace333

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If icy games like the Penguin Vacation slot bring out light-minded side, the Arctic Treasure slot brings a slightly more fantastical serious tone, as you get traditional frozen Ace to 10 symbols, with polar bears, wolves and white owls.

But the real star of the show is the ice queen wild, the bonus crystal symbol, and the scatter; who we like to think is you, wandering into the far north in your kayak in search for this mystical treasure.

Look, there’s no doubt that you can win more by catching 10 free spins with a 3x multiplier on every win.

The multiplier will get you decent wins… if you manage to catch enough 5 of a kind wins, or maybe 5 scatters which pays out 100 times your bet.

The problem is that free spins aren’t that easy to catch, and when they came around, we walked away with about 15 to 20 times our bet. Which isn’t bad if the feature was more frequent.

Because ultimately, this Arctic treasure slot game is not as hard hitting as other games. So you can forgive the little wins as you get plenty in the base game as well.

But i never felt like i could win enough to keep us spinning for long.

If you get the bonus symbol on reel 1 and 5, you’ll get a simple click me bonus, finding cash prizes under crystals. Much like the free spins, most of the time you only get 10 to 20 times your bet.

So why did it win our favors? Because it felt easier to hit, and we got a few decent 30x to 40x our bet wins to get us over our starting bet. The most you can win is 150 times your bet, which is no easy feat, but feels more achievable than within the free spins.

All in all, Arctic Treasure slot game is an entree of a game and you start here to build up your confidence till you’ve got the guts to move up.

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