Golden Whale Online Slot Game In Ace Game

This post i going to share about Golden Whale this online slot game. If you're the slot game lover, Malaysia online slots is the recommended online gambling page that you can rely on because you can select plenty of games to play with. Beside that, you can enjoy the high pay welcome bonus if you are the new sign up member.

Dive down to the bottom of the ocean and embrace a whole new world with Golden Whale, the online video slot from Spade Gaming. Discover the marine life which lives under the waves as you play on the reels for instant cash prizes.

With an extensive underwater seascape you’ll really feel as if you’ve taken the plunge into the depths of the ocean. The background to the reels is created from a multitude of shades of blue and green, with a glow reflecting down from the surface. With sea plants waving their fronds in the tide, and anemones on the sea floor, it’s a whole new world.

But although the waters may seem deserted, one glance at the reels and you can see that’s not the case. A whole host of aquatic life is ready to accompany you on your voyage of discovery. Look out for fish, sharks, starfish, seahorses, turtles and of course, the golden whale too. Every color of the rainbow is represented in this beautiful kaleidoscope and you will love exploring the marine landscape.

Submerged deep below the surface there’s a whole host of prizes just waiting to be claimed so take yourself to the paytable and see just what’s on offer.

To claim a win you’ll have to match symbols; some pay out for a match of just two while others won’t register a prize until you match three. All of the matches must be on an active payline and be read from left to right.

The more symbols you match the higher your prize will be. The top valued symbol in the paytable is the golden whale, winning you a payout of RM10,000 if you match five. The golden whale also acts as the wild symbol stepping in for other symbols on a payline. The only symbol that can’t be substituted for by the wild is the scatter. If you rack up a win using the wild symbol you’ll also have your prize doubled. The paytable shows the payouts both with and without the wild symbol so you don’t have to calculate the increased amount in your head!

The scatter symbol provides you with an instant multiplier and free spins and the chance to win even more. In the bonus you’ll have the option of unlocking two out of five treasure chests to try and win extra multipliers or free spins. There’s lots on offer with up to x15 or 33 free spins!
While you’re playing the free spins if you land a further three scatters you’ll qualify for another 15 free spins. You’ll also receive the multiplier again. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely so there’s the chance of a really big win if you’re lucky!

Once you’ve finished checking out the riches that you could swim away with, return to the main reels and get ready to play for prizes. But just before you get started you’ll need to set up your bet.
You’ll be playing on 5 reels with 25 adjustable paylines. The plus and minus toggles on the bottom of the screen also players to reduce the number of paylines in play if they prefer. The coin value can be set between the minimum of RM0.01 and the maximum of RM1.00 and up to ten coins can be bet per line. All of the active lines must be identical so bear that in mind when you’re deciding how much to bet.

Therefore, if you really interested with this Golden Whale slot game, you may just click on Malaysia online slots, there is a lot of slot game to let player choose The next progressive jackpot might be you, don't missed the good chance now!


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