Why Football Boys Is Fun In Ace333?

Football Boys is the new arcade game designed by Ace333. Where you can find this game? If you interested with it and would like to play this game, you can click on Ace333 to download this online slot app to your smartphone and desktop computer now.

Football Boys theme is surrounded by the top European club, which is Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Arsenal. If you are the football fans, definitely you like to play this arcade game. Why i say this game is fun and what is the outcome bringing out for you? First of all, you can use the minimum bet RM0.50 win up to 4 multiplier times money. This game have a lot of possible. When the bonus game started, you can win up to 250 multiplier times. You won't see any game can spend just RM0.50 to win minimum RM2, the chance is slightly higher than online slot games.

Mini bonus is playing penalty kick. there is a streak game and full house game. When you hit streak game, then you can get 3 goals, when the balls stop at which icon, then you can get like example, the first goal is times 3, the second goal is times 2, and the third time you get 4, so 3x2x4=24, then you can hit 24 multiplier times bonus. Compare to online slot game, the chance you hit the bonus is easier than you hit big win in slot game.

For the jackpot, it's depend on luck then the jackpot will drop itself. No matter how much you bet, it would also drop, just depend when it open. You would never know how long time you play then the jackpot going to give it to you. With the game and mix with the soundtrack, you going to addicted and very fast to attracted by the game.

You can put your trust on me, just try this game out and you won't leave your phone away even just a second. Football Boys not only can bring you fun, and it also can bring you extra income to make you from poor to rich, from rich to richer. If you would haven't install this online slot app to your smartphone, you may click on Ace333 to install it to your phone, and register member at Tony88 Malaysia online casino website.


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